I don't want to sound basic or too far out there in my teaching. Understand I read the Bible and I am simply sharing what I feel God is revealing to me from what I read and/or listen to...
How often have we prayed for God to do something, and then said that didn't get any higher than the ceiling or beleived that God didn't act on our behalf? I know I have many times. The reality is that prayers don't have to go anywhere, God is IN us in Christ Jesus! and many times we don't see God move because we are asking Him to do what He has already done for us and we have just to recieve it, or we are asking Him to do that which He commanded us to do!!
It seems like we walk around like weak, defeated Christians, singing our songs about how we love Him, or come Lord come, or Through Him the blind will see, through Him the dead will rise...but we don't practice that!! We send the sick to the doctor, the dead to the funeral home! When was the last time you saw a pastor pray for the dead to rise? For some of us even prayers for healing are rare! It shouldn't be this way!
Ephesians 1:17-20 is talking about Pauls prayer for people to have wisdom and revelation, to understand the hope of our calling, the inheritance of the saints(us) and then he says "...so that you can know and understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surapassing greatness of His power IN and For us who believe as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead...." (vs 18-19).
These vereses do not say that we can understand the power He has, or the power He works with...it says the power in us and for us! Where is Christ...as beleivers He is In us! If Christ is in us, then His power is In us! Jesus did not command His followers (us) to go out and pray for Him to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, make disciples...through out the Gospels we are told to go make disciples, heal the sick, raise the dead, speak in unknown languages.....the command is for US to Go and make, go and heal, go and raise the dead....not go and pray for God to move....why... the power to do this is IN us!! We can move and flow in the power in us when we move in faith...it is Christ in us at work!
Apart from Christ we can do nothing, but He lives in us so we are never apart from Him and all of His power flows through us!
John 15:5-6
Matt. 10:1,8
Luke 9:1
Acts 3:1-8.
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