Okay, I know this may offend some and some may feel that I am off base, but I have to put this out there. God has really been dealing with me lately about what I trust...Where my faith is at. I grew up traditional, mainstream church, learning all the doctrine and Bible verses to back it up. As an adult, I began to discover things in the Bible that didn't fit in my doctrine and when I questioned it was told that isn't for today...
For a long time I bought that, then I began to really question and challenge and that is in part where I am again today...I am tired of my God being watered down and put in a box that says He can do this, but not this anymore. Don't we beleive that His Word is the infalliable, inerrent Word...cover to cover...this is what we teach. In His Word we are told "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." (Heb. 13:8) If He is the same today as He was 2000 years ago, then why don't we see Him move today like then?? Signs and wonders, healings and deliverance marked Jesus ministry and He sent us into the world to preach the good news to all creation, baptizing in His name and said that these signs would follow us. (Mark 16:15-18) I have heard that this stuff went out with the original apostles, but I have never seen this stated in God's Word. If Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, then it stands to reason His Word is and His power is. He told the disiples they could do whatever in His name...i am His disciple..all beleivers are, therefore we have the authority and power to operate in a realm we don't even seem to know is there...We want to lead people to Christ...we live in a day and age where seeing is believing...if all people see is a bunch of sad, defeated 'Christians" walking around, what do we have to offer them?? When people see that God is big and real, when they see Him moving in people's lives and see lives truly changed, then they will believe...In Jesus ministry people followed Him and beleived because of what they saw. Today we seem to put God in a box and say stay there until I need you...we belive what the doctors say, what the media says, we believe what anyone else says as being truth, but the only absolute truth is God's Word and it counters much of what we hear today..
It blows my mind that a doctor can make a diagnosis and then say opps, I made a mistake and we will believe that instead of believing that God could have answered the prayers that were offered to Him and have healed...it is easier for us to believe what we see, so if we want to reach the world, we need to find a way to put our faith in a BIG GOD and a POWERFUL GOD so we have something they can see...
I pray that God will continue to draw my faith to Him... I know he is a big God and can do mighty things...I know He heals supernaturally, I know He cast otu demons, I know He is still a miracle working God and he has given us the authority to walk in this realm of the supernatural...I want to walk in all God has for me, even if I don't understand it...
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