We were singing a song at church this morning that said if you ask God will give you the Nations. I thought Lord, I want my city. Don't get me wrong, I understand the importanceof reaching the nations and I pray for those that are called to go, however, I think each of us have a responsibility to reach our own cities for God. For sometime I have had a pull in my heart to pray for my city.
Matthew 21:22 says "And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and [really] believing, you will receive." So believing, I am going to start asking God to give me this city for God! There are tons of churches in my community and I am blessed to be involved with two of them. Both are small churches with lots of room for growth and a heart for God. I believe that we live in a community that has many strong holds for the enemy as do most of us. If we ask God to revela those to us He will and as beleivers we have the authority over our communties. We can fight and see God rise up in our cities...what better way to reach the nations, than for our cities to become Cities on our knees!
I am talking to all believers in this. I think for too long we have set back and left it up to our ministers..we are all ministers of the gospel. I am blessed to have two awesome pastors in my life that have hearts for my city, but that does not negate our responsibility to go to God for our cities.
I am runner as many of you know...I am going to make my runs a fight for my city and pray for God to invade the streets of Denver, NC as I run. I am going to fight to tear down the strongholds over my city that it will become a city where God shines, where our churches are not just social clubs, but houses of worship and houses of prayer!
If each of us, begin to fight for our cities, begin to pray and fight back we can take back what the enemeny has taken, we can change the world!
The disciples were told to go to Judea, Jerusalem and then the utter most parts of the world. Let's start with our 'Judea' and then go from there.
Will you pray for and fight for your city, your community, your child's school?